Project YOU is a tribute to human connection, appreciation and respect, and to the joy of discovering who people are. It’s a tribute to the journey we call life, and sharing real experiences with one another, creatively and actively in the present moment.
YOU, is a compilation of pencil portraits, stories, interviews and insights, which will be made into a book telling the autobiography of my life. It will intertwine my own experiences and learning, with the stories of people I have met along the way.
Each person that I draw a portrait of for this book, shares about who they are, an important story from their life so far, what they learned from it, and a memory of a time they spent with me.
Each portrait is a unique portrayal of that person, and how I see their essence. They are a mark of my appreciation for each person, and their various contributions to my life. For me, having appreciation of someone, is to have an understanding and an enjoyment of their distinctive qualities and characteristics. I believe appreciation to be the glue that helps stick humanity together.
As a collection, the portraits explore the unique ways in which we see each other, often in ways that we might not even be aware of.
Project YOU open a discussion to who we are as individuals, and how we see the essence of ourselves and others, paving the way for better understanding between us, and a more unified humanity.
“Each drawing is a window into each character, and a conduit to the stories that make them unique.”